Sunday, 29 December 2019

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits, Cartes De Voeux, Gif Animés, Videos, Images, Celebration of New Year in France and Paris

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits, Cartes De Voeux, Gif Animés, Videos, Images, Celebration of New Year in France and Paris 2020: « Bonne année 2020» If You think what was that? It wishes Happy New Year 2020 in French. The day of Happy New Year in France is known by the name of Le Jour De I’ An. The celebration of Happy New Year in France is termed as Reveillon. Reveillon is a long dinner held on the evenings preceding Christmas and New Year’s Day. So are you looking for the Information related to Happy New Year 2020 in France & Paris celebration? if yes then you come to the right place because today we are going to publish Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits & Images for your beloved ones.

Bonne Année 2020

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux & Souhaits: Je vous souhaite une très bonne année 2020 à vous et à votre famille. The festival of New Year is oldest in France and is celebrated in a different way compared to the west. Happy New Year in France and Paris is celebrated in bliss with only family members and close friends. New Year’s Eve in France is also known as “la Saint-Sylvestre.”

Bonne Année 2020

Bonne Année 2020

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits, Cartes De Voeux, Gif Animés, Videos, Images, Celebration of New Year in France and Paris 2020

Bonne Année


Bonne Année 2020 Voeux

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux

Happy New Year 2020 in France and Paris are preferred to be celebrated in a private manner, and the parties are organized at homes. These New Year parties are termed as “une soiree dansante” in French, and special dinner is prepared for it. Everyone remains in a festive mood to celebrate the midnight of 31st December to welcome the New Year. French people follow the tradition of gifts in the season of New Year. They exchange gifts in the form of special cookies, cakes, and even New Year cards in 2020. Here we are providing the bonne annee 2020 nos idees de messages pour souhaiter vos meilleurs voeux. Check our recent post on, 1st January Wishes, Messages, SMS, Whatsapp Status, Greetings, Quotes, Shayari & Poems 2020 and 1st January Images, GIF, Wallpapers, HD Pics & Photos for Whatsapp DP & Profile 2020.

Bonne Année 2019 Voeux

Bonne Année 2019 Voeux

Read More: Happy New Year Shayari

The Bonne Année 2020 Voeux actually means Happy New Year 2020 Images in Paris. Images play a vital role in the celebration. Sending greeting through images this New Year can be a cost-effective and a brilliant idea. You can impress your relatives as well as make them convince about your effort towards them. Try to be innovative with your designs and technique. The main essentialities that you need to take care of are selecting the most appropriate and the best chosen Happy New Year 2020 Images. Images are not only meant for rejoicing this festive occasion but also making relatives aware of the fact that images can really leave a lasting impact on the eyes of the receiver.

Message de bonne année 2020

Message de bonne année 2020


Message de bonne année 2020

Message de bonne année 2020


Message de bonne année 2020

Message de bonne année 2020

“A l’aube de cette nouvelle année, je vous présente mes meilleurs vœux et j’espère de tout cœur que vos souhaits, même les plus fous ou les plus impossibles, seront exaucés. Bonne et heureuse année 2020.”

“Une nouvelle année commence. En cette période de renouveau, je te souhaite réussite et succès dans tous tes nouveaux projets. Puissent-ils apporter joie et bonheur à toi et tous tes proches.”

“Une santé et des finances prospères, des projets nombreux, l’amour de vos proches et de vos amis, et une pleine réussite dans tout ce que vous entreprendrez. Voilà l’essentiel pour démarrer une bonne année 2020 !”

“2020 marque une nouvelle année qui démarre. Qu’elle soit remplie de bonheur pour vous et pour vos proches. Que vos rêves se réalisent de manière prospère, avec une santé et une réussite pleine cette année.”

Read More: New Year 2020 Messages

Texte SMS de bonne année 2020

Texte SMS de bonne année 2020


Texte SMS de bonne année 2020

Texte SMS de bonne année 2020


Bonne Année 2020 Voeux & Souhaits

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux & Souhaits

“Sur la route de 2020, je vous souhaite de trouver bonheur, santé, prospérité. Heureuse année !”

Sur la route de 2020, je vous souhaite de trouver bonheur, santé, prospérité. Heureuse année !”

“Bonne et heureuse nouvelle année. Que 2020 soit remplie de petits bonheurs éternels.”

 “Bonne et heureuse année 2020, remplie de joies personnelles et de satisfactions professionnelles.”

“Tous mes vœux pour cette année 2020 : que la joie, le bonheur et la réussite inondent votre vie !”

Read More: New Year 2020 Countdown Videos

Voeux de bonne année originaux 2020, avec humour

2020 est passée à une vitesse… Alors j’espère qu’en 2020, tu sauras savourer un an de bonheur, 12 mois de réussite, 52 semaines d’idées neuves, 365 jours de prospérité. Je te souhaite une excellente année 2019.”

 “Que cette année nouvelle qui vient de s’amorcer enclenche le compte à rebours de 365 jours de réussite, de bonheur et de joies en tout genre, pour douze mois bien remplis, au cours desquels, je l’espère, nous aurons l’occasion de nous voir pour partager tous ces bons moments. Excellente année !

“Voici mes vœux pour une année réussie : beaucoup de rencontres enrichissantes, des projets plein la tête, et l’énergie pour les réaliser. Que 2020 t’apporte la joie qui éclairera tes journées, la prospérité qui t’apportera la sagesse, la santé qui te permettra de réaliser l’ensemble de tes projets. Excellente année !”

Poème et citation de bonne année 2020

Poème et citation de bonne année 2020

“L’année à venir n’existe pas. Nous ne possédons que le petit instant présent.” (Mahmûd Shabestarî)

“Celui qui sait profiter du moment, c’est là l’homme avisé.” (Goethe)

“Saluons ensemble cette nouvelle année qui vieillit notre amitié sans vieillir notre coeur.” (Victor Hugo)

Pour ce qui est de l’avenir, il ne s’agit pas de le prévoir mais de le rendre possible.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

N’attends pas que les événements arrivent comme tu le souhaites. Décide de vouloir ce qui arrive… et tu seras heureux.” (Epictète)

“Il vaut mieux avoir de l’avenir que du passé.” (Victor Cousin)

Bonne année 2020 : des images gratuites

Bonne année 2020 images & photos

Bonne année 2020 images & photos

Bonne Année 2020 Images

Bonne Année 2020 Images

Bonne Année 2020 Image

Bonne Année 2020 Image

Bonne Année 2020

Bonne Année 2020

Read More: New Year 2020 Quotes

cartes de voeux 2020 Image bonne Annee 2020

cartes de voeux 2020 Image bonne Annee 2020


cartes de voeux 2020 Image bonne Annee 2020

cartes de voeux 2020 Image bonne Annee 2020


Bonne Année 2020 cartes de voeux 2020

Bonne Année 2020 cartes de voeux 2020

Read More: New Year 2020 Cards

bonne année 2020 Gif animés

bonne année 2020 Gif animés

bonne année 2020 Gif animés


bonne année 2020 Gif animés

bonne année 2020 Gif animés

bonne année 2020 Gif

bonne année 2020 Gif


bonne année 2020 Gif animés for Whatsapp

bonne année 2020 Gif animés for Whatsapp

The insight of Happy New Year 2020 in France and Paris:

  1. They follow a tradition of cake cutting named as galette des rois. In this tradition, a special feast is organized,and this feast is called as le Reveillon de Saint-Sylvestre. Champagne is also the part of it.
  2. Happy New Year 2020 in France and Paris also follows a tradition of viewing Presidential Speech, where the president of France addresses the people of France by talking about the past years and the upcoming years.
  3. People of France also follow a tradition of the parade.

As to conclude, celebrating Happy New year 2020 in France and Paris is a mind-blowing idea for people around the world. The French Rituals and customs for Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits, Cartes De Voeux, Gif Animés, Videos, Images, and Paris give you travel goals and take a space on your bucket list.

This year make the occasion more auspicious with perfect chosen images

Bonne Année 2020 Voeux

When we come to know that Bonne Année 2020 Voeux actually means that images of Happy New Year 2020, it becomes much easier for us to understand that how people in Paris celebrate the arrival of New Year. Images can be edited, downloaded, bought via various online stores. Images can be downloaded from various applications or apps that can be downloaded from the PlayStore. Some of the ways through which images can be developed are as follows :

  • Try to select bright images, see that they are not too clumsy. They must be elegant as well.
  • Try to make the images have an inner philosophy that shares a deep meaning to all the people whoever receives it.
  • Develop the images in such a way so that it a distinctive style, you can make it have a matt finish look or even a glossy look.

Images always leave a greater impact than any other medium. If you want to celebrate the Happy New Year with beautiful and bright images then start making a gallery of images from now onwards.

The post Bonne Année 2020 Voeux, Souhaits, Cartes De Voeux, Gif Animés, Videos, Images, Celebration of New Year in France and Paris appeared first on 123greetingmessage Media.

from 123greetingmessage Media

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany: Countdowns have started already, and only a few more days and hours for the year, 2020 to come to an end. Everyone is excited about the New Year 2020 with new hopes and a new beginning. So are you looking for the best Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF & information regarding Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany? if yes then you come to the right place because today we are going to publish top 10+ Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten & Grüße.

Many of you would want to celebrate your New Years abroad celebrating Happy New Year 2020 in Germany and would like to know about their cultural celebrations. New Year celebrations are always done at its best in every country. Let me give you an insight into Happy New Year 2020 in Germany. Previously we have published the post on, Happy New Year Clipart & Graphics 2020 – New Year Clip Art Free Download and New Year Stickers for Whatsapp and Facebook.

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany

Frohes Neues Jahr


Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder


Frohes Neues Jahr 2020

The New Year’sEve in German is commonly referred to Silvesterfeiern. The New Year Day is Neujahrstag which is observed as a public holiday. The celebrations are main parties, concerts, orchestra and plentiful of fireworks, communal lunch or evening meal with friend and family. Here, We are providing the awesome collection on, Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany.

Frohe Weihnachten und Frohes Neues Jahr 2019

Neujahrsgrüße 2020

Neujahrsgrüße 2020

Neujahrsgrüße 2020

Freund, Nachbar,: Sie haben mein Leben so sehr verbessert, dass, wie wir ein neues Jahr geben, möchte ich Ihnen die ganze Liebe, die du mir gezeigt hast. Frohes neues Jahr 2020.


 Wir wünschen Ihnen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr mit der Hoffnung, dass Sie viel Segen in das kommende Jahr haben wird.


Als ich über unsere Freundschaft denken und wie glücklich es mich hat, möchte ich Ihnen Glück im Jahr wünschen zu kommen.


Ein neues Jahr ist wie ein leeres Buch, und der Stift in der Hand. Es ist Ihre Chance, eine schöne Geschichte für sich selbst zu schreiben. Frohes neues Jahr.

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder & Hintergrundbilder

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder & Hintergrundbilder


Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder & Hintergrundbilder

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder & Hintergrundbilder



Frohes Neues Jahr



Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 HD

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 HD


Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder

Neujahrswünsche 2020

Neujahrswünsche 2020


Möge das Jahr heller sein als das Vergangene; umhüllt von Güte, Wohlbefinden, Glückseligkeit und Wohlstand. Frohes Neues Jahr 2020


Deine Liebe hat mir den Mut gegeben, die weniger bereisten Wege zu gehen und die Person zu sein, die ich immer werden wollte.


Dieses neue Jahr, mein Wunsch für dich, soll von einer dicken Auffächerung der Liebe eingehüllt sein, wo kein Leid dich berühren kann. Frohes Neues Jahr 2020

frohe weihnachten und ein gutes neues jahr

frohe weihnachten und ein gutes neues jahr

Ich wünsche, dass Snoopy, dein Pudel, dieses Jahr nicht an Telefonakkorden oder an deinem Lieblingsrock kaut! Neues Jahr 2020


Ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes und magisches neues Jahr. Wir hoffen, es bringt Ihnen viel Freude und Freude. Alles Gute.

neujahr 2020 smaragd


Happy New Year 2020 in Germany

Happy New Year 2020 in Germany


Happy New Year 2020 in Germany

Happy New Year 2020 in Germany


Celebration of Happy New Year 2020 in Germany

Celebration of Happy New Year 2020 in Germany


Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder Whatsapp

Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder Whatsapp


Some traditions you must know for Happy New Year 2020 in Germany.

  • BleigieBen is a custom meaning ‘lead pouring’ where you melt pieces of lead on a spoon kept on top of the candle flame. Then pour the liquid lead into a bowl with cold water, which gives different types of bizarre shapes which are determined by fortune telling.
  • Viel Gluck means good luck; all the Germans wish each other this on the New Year. The tradition follows commonly with giving a pot of four-colored clover decorated with sweep, horseshoe, and ladybirds when you visit your friends or family. These are considered as a lucky charm. A small pig made of marzipan is also considered as good luck.
  • Eating Sauerkraut or Lentil soup on New Year signifies that you won’t run out of money in the coming New Year. Lentils represent pennies. Germans carry a scale of carp in one’s purse and having carp is a traditional meal. Thus you can enjoy Happy New Year 2020 in Germany.

So, if you plan on celebration abroad you can book your tickets and enjoy Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany.

Gutes Neues Jahr 2020

Gutes Neues Jahr 2020

Wish everyone in the German style

Different places have different traditions and customs that they follow. If one can encounter the new year in Germany then they can understand how glamorously it is celebrated. When the clock strikes 12 everyone welcomes the year by the fireworks and by calling their close family and friends and wishing them Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder.

Wishing is said to be an integral part of the new year in Germany because we cherish the contribution of people in our life. It is the time for embracing the midnight of the new year and bidding a farewell to the last year. Amidst the celebration, one should not forget to wish everyone during this time. Wishes can not only lighten up the mood of the receiver but it also makes them feel important. So when you are sending any new year wishes make sure that it contains warm wishes. If you are good with words then you can do some write up or you can send a poem, shayaris, one-liner, inspiring quotes to the other person. There are several places from where you can get happy new year wishes along with images and videos to make the entire thing look more visually appealing.

Neujahr 2020 Bilder

Neujahr 2020 Bilder


The post Frohes Neues Jahr 2020 Bilder, Wünsche, Nachrichten, Grüße, GIF, Happy New Year 2020 Celebration in Germany appeared first on 123greetingmessage Media.

from 123greetingmessage Media

Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020, Migliore Auguri, Immagini Di Buon Anno

Immagini di felice anno nuovo, anno nuovo auguri messaggi, citazioni & nuovo anno 2020 gif | Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020: New Year celebrations are always done at its best in every country. The way each country celebrates might be different and of its own type. Cultural differences exist everywhere. Celebration in Italy takes its own turn. In Italy their Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo is used commonly. So are you looking for the best Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian? if yes then you come to the right place because today we are going to publish top 10+ Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020.

Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian: If you are planning an abroad tour this coming New Year 2020, Italy would be worth a shot. Italians love celebrating festivals and fireworks. Il Capodanno is their New Year celebration, and you can see their sky full of beautiful fireworks. It is seen all over Italy depicting the end of old and a new beginning. We will publish the awesome New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian, New Year 2020 Quotes in Italian, New Year 2020 Messages in Italian.

Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo


Felice Anno Nuovo 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020

The New Year Eve is called “La Festa di San Sivestro” the last day of the year. The word means St. Sylvester’s feast.  It does hold up a lot of importance, and they celebrate the last day in a very grand manner where an evening meal is the prime most focus of the night. Everyone gathers around together with their family and friends and have their traditional meal pork and lenticels, which hold their significances.

  • Lenticels signifies wealth and good fortune
  • They have pork which represents the richness and liveliness of life.
  • Raisin is good luck.

Immagini Di Buon Anno 2020

Immagini Di Buon Anno 2020



Immagini Di Buon Anno 2020

Immagini Di Buon Anno 2020

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 Images
Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 Immagini Sfondi Immagini

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 is the Italian version of Happy New Year. We all know that New Year celebration is a gesture that should be shared and spread to all our closed ones. The celebration does not only mean that it has to be celebrated with food and decoration. It can be also celebrated with songs, music and various other traditional means that are really enjoyable and worthy enough to be remembered. The arrival of Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 can be well celebrated in various ways. You can organize parties or even spend the New Year arrives with sacred ways that would bring within you and your family some spiritual upliftment. Make this occasion mesmerizing and memorable with some different ideas.

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 Immagini

Happy New Year Wishes in Italian 2020

Happy New Year Wishes in Italian 2020

A Capodanno tutto è magico, un’enorme festa ti aspetta, per salutare l’anno passato e festeggiare quello appena arrivato. Ti auguro di trascorrere un felice e Buon 2020.

A Capodanno tutto è magico, un’enorme festa ti aspetta, per salutare l’anno passato e festeggiare quello appena arrivato. Ti auguro di trascorrere un felice e Buon 2020.

Bellezza … Salute … Allegria … Felicità… Fiducia! Questo è l’inizio del tuo nuovo anno! Felice 2020!

Ti auguro un Capodanno 2020 strepitoso e che allo scoccare della mezzanotte tutti i tuoi sogni possano realizzarsi! Buon Anno e Felice 2020.

Auguri! Un anno meraviglioso ti attende, ricco di soddisfazioni e di felicità. Buon 2020.

Happy New Year 2020 Greetings in Italian

Happy New Year 2020 Greetings in Italian

Gli Anni vanno e vengono, ma quest’anno ho appositamente desiderato per te una dose doppia di salute e felicità ed un un sacco di fortuna. Avrai un grande anno davanti! Buon 2020!

Come gli uccelli lasciano alle spalle ciò che non hanno bisogno di portare… anche tu dimentica il dolore, la tristezza, la paura, i rancori ed i rimpianti. La vita è bella ed è appena giunto il nuovo anno per ricominciare. Buon 2020!

Un altro anno di successo e di felicità è passato. Con ogni nuovo anno, arrivano maggiori sfide e nuovi progetti da realizzare. Ti auguro il coraggio, la speranza e la fede per superare tutti gli ostacoli. Che tu possa avere un 2020 meraviglioso e ricco di soddisfazioni. Tanti Auguri di buon 2020.

Gif Animate Immagini Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 / Buon Anno 2020

buon anno nuovo gif 2020

buon anno nuovo gif 2020

Gif immagini animate felice anno nuovo 2020

Gif immagini animate felice anno nuovo 2020

Gif immagini felice anno nuovo

Gif immagini felice anno nuovo

Gif animate immagini buon anno

Gif animate immagini buon anno

Gif animate di buon anno

Gif animate di buon anno

animate di felice anno nuovo

animate di felice anno nuovo

Happy New Year 2020 Quotes in Italian – nuovo anno citazioni 2020

nuovo anno citazioni 2020

Che l’anno 2020 possa riempire la tua vita con felicità, gioia, prosperità e che possa realizzare tutti i tuoi sogni. Buon 2020!

Possa questo nuovo anno presentare molte opportunità sulla tua strada, farti esplorare ogni gioia, trasformare i tuoi sogni in realtà e tutti i tuoi sforzi in grandi risultati. Buon Capodanno 2020!

Cin cin al 2020: che possa essere un nuovo anno memorabile. Buon Capodanno 2020!

Happy New Year 2020 in Italian (Felice Anno Nuovo)

Happy New Year 2020 in Italian (Felice Anno Nuovo)

Buon Anno! Festeggia e sorridi al nuovo anno, uno splendente anno nuovo ti sta attendendo. Tanti Auguri di Felice 2020.

Questo augurio è una scatola piena d’amore, avvolta con gioia, sigillata con un sorriso e inviata con un bacio. Buon Anno!

Un nuovo Anno sta per arrivare: sii felice, non sprecare nessun momento, è prezioso. Festeggia con chi ami il Capodanno 2020 e preparati a vivere un anno SUPER! I migliori Auguri di Felice 2020!

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 Immagini Sfondi Immagini

Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 Immagini Sfondi Immagini


felice anno nuovo 2020


immagini di felice anno nuovo 2020

They feel having such a traditional dinner brings forth prosperity for the coming New Year.

After twelve at night marking the beginning of New Year fireworks are started in the Central Square, Naples known for the best of it. Bonfires are set up. People indulge in playing Tambola. They also drink spumante which is a sparkling white wine and wishing each other Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo.

They follow little traditional custom which might be a little strange but is pretty interesting.

  • Throwing clothes, pots, breaking things like cup saucers.
  • A Christmas log is lit up believed to take away evil spirits.
  • They wear red undergarment signifying good luck

So go and enjoy Italy’s celebration this year and send your Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 to all your friends and relatives.

felice anno nuovo messaggi 2020

felice anno nuovo messaggi


felice anno nuovo messaggi 2020

felice anno nuovo messaggi 2020


Read More:

Unique taste and choice can make you celebrate New Year differently

felice anno nuovo messaggi 2020

New Year is not only an occasion for enjoying the arrival of the coming year.  It projected the requirement of a new set of rules and admirations that are beneficial for spending the New Year with much happiness and prosperity. Some of the essential rules that must be kept in mind while enjoying the festive and auspicious occasion of Felice Anno Nuovo 2020 are listed in points

  • The Christmas is just celebrated before some days and the Christmas trees are still left for decoration. So make it a point to decorate your room with different sizes of Christmas trees that would add glamour to your celebration.
  • Try to make the occasion free of noise and pollution.
  • If you are fond of crackers, use the no- sound crackers and try to avoid pollution.
  • You can make handmade cards and post them individually to your close relatives.

Try to be innovative with all your ideas and this would make you feel the warmth of the occasion. The Happy New Year 2020 would be an auspicious and memorable event that you would remember throughout your life.

Check the latest collection on,

The post Happy New Year 2020 Wishes in Italian – Felice Anno Nuovo 2020, Migliore Auguri, Immagini Di Buon Anno appeared first on 123greetingmessage Media.

from 123greetingmessage Media

Nutan Varshabhinandan Images & GIF for Whatsapp & Facebook

We all know that the arrival of New Year is celebrated every year by the Gujarati just after a day of the Diwali. It is very obvious that pe...